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From Stone Age to Screenworld

A mismatch between the evolutionary past and the modern world

Imagine a world-renowned pianist, whose skilled fingers have danced across the keys for decades. But one day, he finds himself kidnapped and transported to an entirely different planet, where gravity and climate are completely foreign. Despite his great musical talent, he struggles to play the piano in this unknown environment. His once-nimble fingers now feel heavy and sluggish, and the alien instruments produce unfamiliar sounds. He feels helpless and alone, unable to comprehend why this is happening to him.

Similarly, a highly advanced intelligent civilization from a planet millions of light-years away would face physical and psychological challenges when arriving on Earth. Their intellectual abilities may not be enough to overcome the obstacles presented by Earth’s ecosystem. The evolutionary pressures that shaped their minds and behavioural algorithms may no longer be relevant on our planet, making survival difficult.

Consider a world-class swimmer, who has evolved to thrive in the low gravity of a different planet. With immense physical strength, they can bear tremendous muscle loads. But if they were suddenly transported to a planet with higher gravity, thick atmosphere, and intense electromagnetic radiation, they would struggle immensely. Their body would become heavy and lethargic, their lungs would struggle to breathe, their skin would be bombarded with radiation, and their mobility would be limited. Their evolutionary history would be thrown into disarray, and they would feel lost amidst the myriad of religions and cultures on Earth. They would suffer culture shock, and their identity and traditions would become isolated and lonely.

Furthermore, their immune system would not recognize Earth’s viruses and bacteria, and they would struggle to find food their bodies could digest in high gravity. Language and cultural barriers would make it difficult to communicate with people in society, and they would face countless unknown psychological stressors. They would struggle to comprehend the political and economic conditions of this new planet and lose their sense of purpose in life.

Similarly, human civilizations find themselves in a world they were not designed for. Just as a pianist’s talent can be altered by the gravity of a different planet, our remarkable intelligence, evolved in African jungles, is challenged in the modern world. Jared Diamond once declared humans to be a deformed, stupid, and unintelligent species.

Killer whales, on the other hand, have been at the top of the oceanic food chain for millions of years, occupying diverse marine ecosystems from the Arctic to the Antarctic. Yet in all those millions of years, not a single species has gone extinct due to killer whales. No species on Earth has ever been hunted at such a brutal level by Siberian tigers, marine mammals, seals, or dolphins. In contrast, humans arrived at the top of the food chain only 10,000 years ago and have already wiped out numerous species. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, 30,000 species are currently on the verge of extinction. Because it took 11 million years for the killer whale food chain to reach its peak, and humans arrived only 10,000 years ago, the human body and brain did not have enough time to adapt to the ecosystem, nor did nature have time to develop terrestrial competitors who could resist human arbitrariness. Thus, in today’s world, humans are as unfamiliar as aliens from millions of light-years away, as if they suddenly entered the modern world using a wormhole. They face countless new problems in the modern world that they didn’t have in their hunter-gatherer lives. Reading this book, you’ll feel how helpless and alone people are in this unknown world. They’ve destroyed the habitats of countless organisms, polluted the environment, changed the climate, and introduced invasive species, sounding the death knell for human civilization.

It is a humbling realization that even the most intelligent and adaptable beings can struggle to thrive in new and foreign environments. Like a virtuoso pianist who suddenly finds themselves in a strange world, challenged by unfamiliar instruments and an entirely different gravitational pull, every organism faces its own set of challenges when confronted with a new ecosystem. The very traits that once served as advantages in one environment may become hindrances in another, leaving the individual feeling lost and alone in a world that is no longer familiar. Despite our remarkable intelligence and ability to adapt, we are ultimately at the mercy of the genetic and evolutionary factors that shaped us, and we must always be prepared to face the unexpected when exploring new frontiers.

From Stone Age to Screenworld
From Stone Age to Screenworld, AH Lehn


Looking for a thought-provoking and mind-bending read? Look no further than “From Stone Age to Screenworld” by AH Lehn, published by Hyperspace Publishing. This book explores the mismatch between our evolutionary past and the modern world, examining how our genetic and evolutionary environment can challenge us physically and mentally in new ecosystems. With engaging writing and mind-blowing insights, this book will leave you questioning your place in the world. Don’t miss out on this fascinating read – get your copy today for only BDT800!

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